
Week 67: '63 Ford Mustang II Concept

Happy Holidays, from Daddy's Tiny Cars!

I picked this week's Hot Wheels diecast for two distinct reasons:

One, being a word lover, I felt the very concept of the words "concept car" was perfect for the holidays, as we reflect on all manner of personal concepts - sharing, community, Santa, Christmas, peace, and other concepts that work with each of our own belief systems this season.

Second, I had been seeking the perfect Santa car for his off hours, and seeing this little Ford at the store I knew I had found the perfect ride. Trust me, Santa would drive this car, not available to the general public. And he would look good doing it.

This Christmas is a particularly special one, because a type of Christmas miracle has occurred: I am actually enjoying holiday music.

With the exception of only a couple of songs, Christmas tunes generally annoy me, even ones by artists I love. I don't make a big Grinchy show of not liking them, but I secretly welcome them like dry skin in winter - part of the season and not actually that bad. Just annoying.

A picture of my heart growing three sizes -
and not a picture of a big red butt

This year, however, Baby G's enthusiasm for these songs has made my crinchy (like Grinchy, but as foul) heart grow three sizes.

Sure, he doesn't get the words right, but that just boosts the cute factor and makes them sound even better, and each one he relishes like a Dum Dum lollipop (and he does relish those). Today, out of the blue, he said, "You know that tong, JingleBellsJingleBellsJingleAllTheWay? That's  a pretty good tong."

I never before thought of Jingle Bells as a pretty good song. Honestly, I remember not even liking it when I was in grade school. Yet here it was, a simple, sincere observation by a toddler, and suddenly I was appreciating, no, enjoying, this song like something brand new.

I'm not saying that by the time I hear the eight millionth variation of Jingle Bells between today and Christmas a tinge of cringe creep won't creep into my face, but overall, I'm finding the songs fun, and not in a sarcastic, sardonic way, either.

The kids and I even sang an impromptu performance of Let It Snow. Now if that isn't a Christmas miracle, I don't know what is.


Thanks to Phil Pekarcik for the great photo, and a holiday special shout out to James and Luke in Seattle - happy holidays! Visit his blog, Luke, I am your Father, at http://liayf.blogspot.com/ 

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