
Daddy's Matchbox Gets Some Honest Scrap

Way back when, in December 2010 (remember them times?), a Daddy's Matchbox supporter and wonderful blogger, Barbara Lambert, nominated me for an Honest Scrap Award. Barbara is the author of Notes from the Second Half  (http://notesfromthesecondhalf.blogspot.com/).

Honest Scrap is a pay-it-forward Internet meme allowing bloggers to be recognized and in return recognize other bloggers they feel demonstrate qualities of heart, soul and sincerity.

In Honest Scrap, you give credit to the blogger that nominates you and in return nominate other blogs you feel are deserving, honest, and noteworthy -- I've heard between five and ten blogs -- I'm going with five.

Additionally, you provide five (I've also heard seven and  ten) honest things about yourself.

Thank you Barbara for the Honest Scrap nomination!

Honest things about the Daddy's Matchbox daddy, Dale Luckwitz.

  • My first job was as a grocery store clerk at age 14. Since then, I have worked as an editor, proofreader, English teacher, printmaker, bartender, cook, roofer assistant, garden center employee and probably some other jobs I've forgotten.
  • I routinely read articles on educational theory and trends, particularly regarding technology.
  • I love old black and white horror movies, particularly Vincent Price flicks.
  • I am directionally challenged, and frequently get lost while driving.
  • I enjoy cooking, am okay with doing dishes, but flat out dislike putting dishes away.

My Honest Scrap nominations:

1.  Even though Jeannette Ordas has a bunch of awards, still, what an inspired, creative individual. This Canadian blogger gives some wisdom, some humor, and a ton of great cooking recipes and tips on
http://everybodylikessandwiches.com -- this is the kind of blog that makes life a little bit better.

2. Perhaps my favorite blog is Matt Novak's http://www.paleofuture.com. I came across this looking for retro images for a post in my humor blog Thought Bubbling a few years ago, and have been following it ever since. The blog looks at 1950s and earlier nostalgia that looked at predictions for the future, now our present. Flying cars, robots, architecture -- that type of thing. What I love about this blog, besides the great images, good writing, and thorough research, is that it exists! Matt has consistently updated and kept this blog fresh. I never tire of browsing this one.

3. Ben Szporluk, a runner and owner of an indie record label Elephant Stone Records, now works a day job, and chronicles the combination of these elements in his blog http://www.rocknrollrunner.blogspot.com. I put this blog on here for it's heart, exploration of that difficult mid-life place I am also at, and it's odd combination of running and rock and roll.

4. I wanted to add a new blog on here, so have added Louisa Blackmore's http://westegg-interiors.blogspot.com, even though this blog only has a few posts. This made my list for that intangible quality of simply being interesting. I stumbled across it without  any connection to furniture restoration or the writer, but I hope the blog continues. I am fascinating by a blog chronicling a company's birth and development and the honest discussion of the ups and downs, and on the few posts so far there are great pics. I hope this one continues.

5. http://www.baconismagic.ca is an absolute beautiful blog to look at, read, and experience, with amazing pics, of the solo travels in South America of a young lady who writes with honesty and a flair for the visual. Seriously, you'll love this one.

An odd mix up of blogs, to be sure, but all ones that have some Honest Scrap to them!

Again, thank you Barbara for the nomination!


  1. Great information. I loved Vincint Price in his most famous role. On that Brady Bunch episode.

  2. James -- Yes! And don't forget as the voice over on Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare Album!
