Daddy's Tiny Cars: Explained

Daddy's Tiny Cars

Every week I will add a single toy diecast vehicle, a playful marker of the passing days. These toys are off limits to my kids, but not in a cruel, taunting way. Instead, each one is a mini-celebration of self, and my kids share in my enthusiasm of this odd, simple pleasure, often commenting on the week's selection. While life can be difficult, this blog is a celebration of joy, wonder and humor, and if tough times and worries occasionally peek through as subtext, so hopefully does my commitment to becoming a better person each day. Each numbered week a car and every one of them a symbol to appreciate and laugh -- and if we can do that, we're doing okay.


  1. I am here because of your etsy shop :) I was interested because my husband LOVES cars! He has some matchbox cars but we can't find them :( I read the story and I laughed so hard...I passed some gas :) thank God my husband was sleeping for that! But what I really loved was your wanting to be a better person,to laugh and to appreciate everything big and small. It's nice to know there are others out there.
    Thank you for the story and thank you for the humor

    1. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words - boy, you have no idea how I needed them right now! Hope you continue to visit me on daddystinycars and etsy!

      - Dale
