
Week 104: 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood

Week 104, two baskets of 52 weeks, a two-year economy pack of tiny car blogging.

Bring out the fancy dinnerware, or at least the fancy cars -- I've rolled out the above beauty in turquoise, part of the re-releases that Matchbox does of the Lesney productions. The above car came in a box, y'all, like a gourmet chocolate, and I'm enjoying its tasty lines, because this is the end of two years of tiny car blogging.

I'm taking the day off from blogging about anything substantial on this blog -- care to join me? Go ahead, let the phone ring, put your feet up on your desk, tell the kids to heat up a Hot Pocket, and if they're thirsty, tell them they know where the sink is, and go play with your cars.

I'll see everyone next week for the exciting results of the Second Annual Daddy's Tiny Cars race.


Photo courtesy of Phil Pekarcik, who believes his Hot Wheels will take the trophy in the upcoming race. We shall see. We also shall see if there will actually be a trophy.

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