
Week 106: BMW M3 GT2

This week's Hot Wheels, a performance racer BMW M3, is dedicated to the high performance talking that goes on between my five-year-old (A), and three-year-old (G). Performance, with many, many laps.

The two of them can talk and talk, cracking themselves up with running jokes only they understand, such as discussing their "ugly sidekick" -- Hey, hey, my ugly sidekick looks like a trashcan, followed by, Hey, listen, hey, I got a good one, mine ugly side kick looks like a tennis racket! This back and forth ugly sidekick discussion easily went on for fifteen minutes.

Many of the times I tune out their talk so it becomes a buzz in the background, especially when it turns to imaginary video games they are playing, but sometimes I can't help but listen for the sheer, at least apparent, randomness and strangeness.

Here are only a few examples:

At breakfast:

G: What if I had a pet elephant?

A: The he would step on you and you would become flat.

G: No, I would not become flat because he is outside and I am inside, so he couldn't step on me. He is outside.

A: Well, when you go outside, he could step on you and squish you.

G: Well, I don't have a pet elephant. Sorwee.

 Heard from the back seat while driving past a grave yard:

G: Are there skelwetons and ghosts in there?

A: No, G--, there's no such thing as skeletons.

G: Yes, there are. There are too such things as skelwetons and ghosts.

A: Okay, that's true. There are skeletons and ghosts. But they don't live in Ohio.

Heard during a heated discussion in the living room:

A: No, Poop Guy can't fly.

G: Yes he can. Poop Guy CAN fly!  (I can't type the rest of this conversation about superhero Poop Guy. I just can't.)

It can even be educational:

G:  I think I would like to float.

A: (said with a very authoritative tone) Well, it's like this, G--. We don't float because there's this thing called gravity. If you're on a planet, than gravity pulls you down, so you have to go to outer space to get away from gravity so you can float, so you'd probably have to go in a space ship, but don't go near the sun, because you'll melt. Really. You'll melt.

G: I don't want to melt.

A. Me neither.

 I didn't think he was listening when we talked about gravity!

Yes, their conversations can at times be like sleep-inducing white noise to adults, but they can also be exceptionally fun -- but I never did find out if Poop Guy really can fly or not.

Photo of the Mattel Hot Wheels BMW snapped by me -- look for Phil to be back next week.

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