
What Happened to Daddy's Matchbox?

Six months ago I began a weekly diecast toy car diary called Daddy's Matchbox, a perky little name, I thought.

As time went on, I realized that name presented some issues, not the least of which was that Matchbox is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc. I'm a Matchbox fan, but I am not affiliated with Mattel.

Additionally, the majority of my posts are about Hot Wheels cars (also Mattel), and occasionally other brands will show up, like Johnny Lightning. Okay, small point, but it bugged me a small amount.

The real impetus to change the name came when I realized many of my readers like connecting to my posts through Facebook.

Originally, I linked to my personal Facebook page, but followers of my blog weren't necessarily interested in the type of material on that page, and personal friends didn't always want to know everything about Daddy's Matchbox.

It made more sense to have a business FB page with a Like button dedicated strictly to the blog, a FB page where people could post pictures, swap stories, even trade toy cars, and for a registered website FB page I really began to feel uncomfortable about using a trademarked name in my domain.

While a hassle to change the blog name, it made sense to do it now and get the FB page set up with the new identity.

I'm writing all of this because I know there are tons of things to read and view out there, and I truly appreciate every person who has taken their valuable time to read my blog. I do not want to waste your time with a sudden blog redirect, but it was the right time to make the switch.

Also, don't think that Mattel busted my chops -- they did not.

Thanks for your patience, support and understanding -- and know my tiny cars will continue to show up every week as before.

Dale Luckwitz

The pictured ad is from a Citgo insert found in the October 1968 Ladies' Home Journal. Over time I'll put scans of vintage car ads up on the Daddy's Tiny Cars FB page, and I invite you to post your own vintage toy and car ads up their too, as well as any pics of favorite diecast toy cars and planes.


  1. Think this is a good move on your part. I was looking for tiny cars to send my grandson last week and the thought actually came to mind of your blog and that the title was a little limiting for you. (Now aren't you flattered someone thinks of you while shopping?) Will change you link on my Blog Roll. Will be heading over to Face Book later.

  2. We don't come for just a name. The writing keeps us stopping by.

  3. keep matchbox alive.! buy swap trade them! teach the young about the quility of thse models & share your know how.! the real matchbox company is english from good old england.! try matchbox powertrack racing systems 35 plus years & still runing strong.! ebay is a good source for powertrack or speedtrack as its called in the usa. or models of yeasteryear naver to be seen again. magic moments.! if you need any advice mail me @ polomurchu2@hotmail.com
